Sunday, July 24, 2016

Jesus Matters

       Black lives matter, all lives matter, blue lives matter, and we can be sure that there are likely several other similar phrases being yelled out back and forth from one group to another. More will surely come until Americans tire of this popular catch phrase. Black lives matter, the phrase that started this trend, began in 2013 after the acquittal of George Zimmerman whose famously known for murdering the defenseless young black teen Trayvon Martin after spotting him walking through his neighborhood. Trayvon Martin's tragic death resulted in marches and protests by both African Americans and White Americans throughout many urban neighborhoods scattered around the US. Then came further street demonstrations after the tragic deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo and Eric Garner in New York City. The BLM movement grew larger and stronger gathering more popularity and media mentions. One will often witness fights brewing between protesters and local policeman while the officers were trying to keep the peace. Politicians were forced to choose sides between the local policeman or the protesters. Liberal Media would often use comments by presidential candidates concerning the movement in order to influence voters to choose one candidate over the other. During the first Democratic debate in 2015 Bernie Sanders stated that "Black Lives Matter. Martin O'malley stated that "Black Lives Matter". Ben Carson, a black candidate from the Republican party, called the movement "silly". Hilary Clinton came up with "All Lives Matter". Looking at the situation while trying to think logically and without being influenced by the television one can easily agree that all lives matter but a lot of maturity and wisdom must be mixed in with this phrase. Of course blue lives matter. That is obvious. America cannot simply shoot down several policemen every time injustice is committed in this country. Such actions committed repeatedly will cause massive chaos. Policemen cannot continue to shoot down unarmed black men every time an officer gets upset or one suspects something bad  happened. Such foolishness has brought about this horrible mess in the first place. What about Jesus Matters? What if America believed that Jesus matters and preached this message as well as walked this message day in, day out with no hindrance from the media or so called equal rights groups? What if the ACLU instead of going after teachers who desire to bring their Bibles to schools or bosses who wish to openly pray in their offices went after old men who daily seek out young middle school, high school girls to join their harem, or sought after gangs who lure young boys out from school in order to help them make money out of selling dope out on the streets?
       Jesus matters and believing in Him will create much more progress in America than decisively favoring one group's cause over another. Unfortunately, many young black men, women, and white individuals have been fooled by the BLM movement into believing that they have their back, or that this movement is going to create any sort of gainful momentum for individuals representing any race or sex. Liberal Media has brainwashed many Americans into believing that Jesus Christ is just a character in the Bible meant to be preached within the walls of the church while kept out of the harsh life that often occurs within the everyday world. Jesus Matters and believing in Him while copying His ways would create much more progress and peace in America than every day screaming at people one's message of who does and does not matter. If only America would give Him a chance. If only Liberal Media will allow all Americans the Freedom to make their own choice.

Ezekiel 18:23
"Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked," declares the Lord GOD, "rather than that he should turn from his ways and live?
Ezekiel 18:32
"For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies," declares the Lord GOD. "Therefore, repent and live."

John 3:17
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Transgender Fails Target Stores

       We knew it was bound to occur and it has. And it was likely not the first incident just one that just so happened to be leaked out to the media. A transgender, a man pretending to be a women, has been nabbed and arrested by the police for video taping an eighteen year old woman in a Target dressing room. The man, Shauna Smith, legal name Sean Patrick Smith, has been arrested by the police in the Bonneville County Sheriff's Office, located in eastern Idaho, on one felony count of voyeurism. Target has failed its customers once again. They have allowed their female customers to be open targets for desperate perverts to gaze upon them for the simple sake of political correctness. And this is not enough. Target is not admitting to it's mistake. Not only is Target Stores defending itself but all of their pro gay allies are chirping up excuses, stating that this pervert does not represent all transgender people. Thinkprogress, Zack Ford stated that this incident has nothing to do with Target Stores stand for transgenders (Ford, 2016). Phooey, dude dressed as a woman ogling at a young woman in a store dressing room, while videotaping her has everything to do with Target Stores stand for transgenders. The common sense warning thousands of people gave to Target about their female shoppers being preyed upon by perverts, was sent loud and clear and in huge numbers. The American Family Association number of petitioners who have already signed to boycott Target has already reached way over 1,300,000. That is a lot of people. And Target has suffered 10 billion dollars in losses with likely more to come. One has to look at Target, the CEO of the store and ask: Is it worth it? Is being politically correct worth billions of dollars and parents losing faith in your ability to look after and care for their young daughters? Is transgender rights, gay rights worth sacrificing the innocence of our youth?
       It's a sad story because much of the population probably does not know that this arrest in Target has taken place since the story is not receiving much air time in television news. It is as if Liberal Media is more concerned about protecting the depiction and portrayal of transgenders than they are of protecting our wives, mothers, and daughters who need to use the store restroom or dressing room. The dressing room is a serious place of privacy for both sexes. This is not a place for a man to declare his rights to the world that he can be a woman if he desires. So what. Not in front of my daughter when she wants to change. What about her rights? What about my rights? Why is this man's fantasy to be a woman more important than keeping a voyeur from preying on a young lady? Common sense has been taking a beating in America and much of the Western World. Perverts want the right to be perverts and dimwitted folks are paving a way for them to satisfy their grotesque fantasies by bowing down to their excuses for behaving weird. No the individual was not born that way. He simply has a weakness that he has deceived others to allow him to coddle instead of fighting it like one does who is addicted to crack cocaine. You better fight it if not it only gets worse. Just like now America is still fighting the AIDS, HIV virus, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc., One does not know how worse it can get if we allow this males taking over women's restroom's behavior take over society. Or even women invading men's restroom. What happens when a little boy witnesses a woman dressed up as a man who obviously looks like a woman try to take a whiz in the men's restroom. I mean that is just weird. Obviously pro - gay folks would read a remark like that and laugh at it but this is reality. This is the real world that one cannot escape. People are watching. A woman walking around inside a men's restroom cannot be simply shrugged at and life goes on. As Hilary Clinton says: America "it is time to move on". And she would really like for all of us to place blinders over our eyes and pretend that this man dressed up as a woman, taking videos of a young lady while she is changing in a woman's dressing room is not a big deal. But to millions of people it is. And these individuals are not going to just move on. There is no logical, intelligent reason why they should.

Ford, Z (2016, July 15) Hate Groups Attack Target Transgender Policy Without All The Details.
       Thinkprogress. Retrieved from