Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy 2015

       2014 has been an eventful year with the rise and fall of so much occurring in this world. The Democratic party received a beating during the recent Congressional voting in 2014. This happening two years after Obama handily won the presidential reelection against the stunned Republican candidate. Two Malaysian aircrafts have met disaster one mistakenly shot down and another after several months still mysteriously missing. Still another commercial plane, this one Indonesian but still carrying many Malaysians, crashed. This one supposedly due to bad weather, "hhmmm". The ever continuous battering, missle launchings, and shootings took place off and on in the Gaza Strip between the Israeli military and the Palestinians. Let's not forget Boko Haram's constant tormenting of Nigerians and Cameroonians who simply don't want to be Muslims. And the annual constant weather related catastrophes, 2014 has left behind some scars.
       The year also produced some victories, or at least hope of possible victories. Obama declared that December 31, 2014 is going to be the last day of this War in Afghanistan with most of the remaining troops finally heading by this date.The job market has been reported to be improving, again I say reported. And relations between Cuba and America, two countries whose leaders have faced their backs toward each other while having their arms crossed since the Reagan era, are now improving. Morally, the nation has back slidden greatly with an increasing acceptance of homosexuality, even gay marriage amongst both individuals, corporations, and even churches. But it is hard to tell how true this supposed growth really is since the media that often reports this data is heavily biased towards accepting such behavior even promoting it and the federal judges constantly over rules popular votes made by their own citizens in order to legalize gay marriage. Well my Bible as well as my experience and relationship with God teaches me not to rely too much on what I hear from the media and at times even political leaders, especially when their words and actions contrast what is written in the Word. Something will eventually bend and break. When it will happen, I don't know but I plan to continue warning people, talking and writing about God's warnings along with His promises because I believe that is what God wants me to do.
       Anyhow the new year 2015 provides much hope and opportunity for those of us who may not of had a great 2014. And those of us who had a great 2014, 2015 provides us with the chance to make the new year even ten times better. How to make 2015 better than 2014? One thing continue reading the good book, the Bible. The Bible will provide one with a depth of wisdom and common sense found nowhere else in this world. The book will help one not to fall and even if one does it will give the individual inspiration, energy, and strength to rise back up. Another way to make 2015 better, continue attending a God fearing, Bible believing, people loving church. Nothing at times can be more comforting than having the ability to attend a church meeting, gathering where you can greet, chat with, and later hang out with a fellow christian(s) who is going through his or her own struggles, sometimes ones similar to yours. The experience will constantly remind you that you are not on your own. There are people out there, some of them standing right next to you from within the crowd, who are experiencing and living within scenarios that would shock you. Again you will learn that you are not alone. And just the way you will root for and desire the best for them they will do the same for you.
        Creating positive plans toward improving one's finances in the new year is another way to pave the way for a happy 2015. Start with constructing better budgeting plans aimed at providing funds towards clearing out old debt and strong will power along with the ability to say "no" to deter new ones. One big trap is watching those television commercials and listening to paid actors telling you what you need, what you must have. Pay them no attention. They don't know you nor care for your personal or financial circumstances. They are simply trying to make a buck. In some cases millions or at least hundreds of thousands of em. Another trap is comparing what you got to what your neighbors, buddies, peers have. Don't allow such things to bother you. Remember, you don't have to have it. And if your friends or even relatives continue to remind you that so and so, this person, that person is riding this and that, living here and there while you are pretty much staying put then you may need to have an inward reflection. But remember any intent, motivation toward self improvement is made to better yourself and those around you not so that you can win a material race between you and your neighbor. Such earthly competitions are meaningless and will only produce mental fatigue and a later realization that what you have worked and spent so much energy doing is not producing within you any genuine happiness.
       2015, oh so much to look forward to. Well I am going to start by continuing reading my Bible. Yes, I know that my poring through the Word has not made me a perfect human being. I have continued to make mistakes. But it gives me hope and the reliance that I can continue learning. I can continue to make use of what I am learning. Because the One whom I am learning from is not staring hard at me counting all of my mistakes and errors. He is not standing toward me arms crossed demanding constant perfection or bust. He is neither unforgiving or impatient. Now His forgiveness does not give me license to continue to willingly live a life full of reckless offense and misdeeds. His mercy and grace does allow me hope that as long as I commit my life to Him and make an honest and sincere effort to repent of my sins I will always remain one of His. A child with an eternal hope and a permanent home.
42 He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. 43 All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” Acts 10:42-43

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. I Chronicles 7:14

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