Yes we are at it again. Another season with frigid weather. Since constantly being drilled by all the global warming hype I have paid close attention to the weather outside, especially around the winter time. Since the theory clearly states "global warming" and it's faithful persistently speak of the earth getting warmer year, I expect to physically feel the earth actually grow warmer. It has not happened yet. Again I have been disappointed by this theory that liberal media has assumed to not only be a fact but pretty much common sense. While discussing the topic on some online forums I have discovered that many of the global warming faithful even view nonbelievers as uneducated or ignorant. Amazing, how anytime one disagrees with liberal media they are often affixed with such labels. But is there anything wrong with one desiring to think for him or herself? Must we all nod our head yes every single time professor so and so graduating from so and so university tells us that blah, blah, blah is fact even when within our minds we know that dude is one hundred percent in error?
Just like the evolution man evolving from an ape deal I want proof? Not pretty pictures illustrating Iceland resembling Hawaii. I want to actually see Iceland with continuous 80 degree weather during the middle of winter time. I want to see the Upper Peninsula of Michigan feeling toasty in the middle of January or perhaps weather the entire freezing month without snow. I want to experience three straight years of warm winter in Atlanta, Georgia. Imagine a city located in the deep south, a supposedly warm area of the United States having thirteen degree weather with a wind chill advisory. Earlier in December of 2013 the weather dipped down to as low as 27 degrees which is pretty cold for the deep south and this happened twice. 28.5 inches of snow were dumped near Fulton, New York, 23.5 inches near Watertown, New York. . Cars have piled up against each other because of heavy snow covering well travelled roads. Freezing rain and sleet are forecasted for the weekend and next week for parts of the South and the East. Does not sound like global warming to me.
The consistent response by global warming enthusiasts to questions concerning the constant cold weather America keeps receiving is that the collective data of recent weather temperature is much warmer if looked upon as a whole than what it was hundreds of thousands of years ago. They say that the earth has been warming since 1880, most occurring since the 1970s. Global warming believers also point to warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, declining arctic sea ice, glacial retreat, extreme events, ocean acidification (as the result of humans increasing their release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere), and decreased snow cover. These scientists are making big assumptions regarding this big earth from data collected within the past couple of hundred of years. No one knows what the weather was like in 200 BC or 900 AD. For all we know the weather could be have been much warmer then. And looking at the earth being at least 6000 years old 1880 is too recent to be making large predictions regarding current and future weather patterns. There could be many reasons for the shrinking ice sheets, declining sea ice, and glacial retreat that we humans living here on earth simply do not understand. Again we do not know the level of the ice upon the world back in 2000 or 3000 BC. Who was there to tally up such information? Anyone who will make statements regarding the level of ice was 5000 years ago is simply guessing. They are making a big assumption that their data must be correct. I am not able to believe such assumptions because I don't see how they qualify to equal actual factual data. These scientists cannot clearly prove that their numbers are clearly correct. Their numbers and data are base on faith. Faith that this planet is billions of years old and was much colder than it is now. Again who was there to establish that such information is one hundred percent correct? Where is the actual evidence?
Unfortunately these scientists don't receive much challenge in the world in regards to their numbers because people who disagree with them are usually discounted immediately. They are assumed to be ignorant, Jesus Freaks. Well looking at the situation clearly since the evidence is not tangible one has to have faith in the Climate Change theory in order to believe that it is correct. And even if it is true that the weather is getting warmer we here on earth do not know whether or not the earth is going through a cyclical pattern. Maybe the planet routinely rotates from periods of cold to hot every so many hundreds or perhaps thousands of years. Remember "the ice age". You don't hear about that theory anymore but I remember the media mentioning it often when I was a child.
Scientists in America, the US government, media needs to look into this climate change theory and do a thorough, unbiased study into the world's weather pattern. Unfortunately, America is often ruled by a pattern of whether or not its leader(s) is a democrat or republican. Depending on the party the leader(s) must abide through this strict means of thinking and problem solving which as a result deprives the country of much needed independent cogitation. We have a president who will stand behind Global Warming not because of any kind of significant evidence providing us with proof of its actual existence but because he is a Democrat and it is a rule in the US that Democrats must support and encourage Global Warming. Such floundering, follow the blind mice type of thinking can create an atmosphere of arrogance mixed with much gullibility. A bunch of people believing that they hold something of great knowledge who are only fooling themselves. Sometimes intelligence is having the courage to simply admit to what one does not know even if it will appear somewhat embarrassing.
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