Sunday, May 26, 2013

BSA, Better To Take a Stand

      After much hassle and stress received from gay rights groups the Boy Scouts of America decided to step back from their commitment to not allow openly gay members to join their group. The organization accepted a compromise deciding not to allow openly gay leaders but instead accept gay scout troops. This decision appeared to much of the public to be a slight change within the organization. What people like Wayne Brock, the Boy Scouts chief executive and Paul Guequierre, member of the Human Rights Campaign (a gay rights group) did not understand before making this decision is that such a compromise would be much more difficult then they themselves and many members of the media estimated, if such a plan will even work. Liberal biased media described the change as if it will be harmless, stating that gays were being discriminated against. Members of this group and their supporters insist that the welcome mat be open to people living homosexual lifestyles as well as ones who wish not to. Pro-gay groups like GLAAD, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, are campaigning to gather individuals and organizations together towards rallying against Boy Scouts of America until they completely change their stance against accepting openly gay leaders. The Human Rights Campaign wants to subtract points from the annual rankings on human fairness of companies and corporations who donate money to the Boy Scouts. Gay rights groups are demanding that Boys Scouts of America as well as similar organizations who do not encourage homosexuality have their tax exempt status ripped from them.
       Corporations, companies, and individuals are being harassed and intimidated to support a cause, a lifestyle that goes directly against what they have been commanded by God. The stand taken by BSA is being opposed by a group of people's unwillingness to allow Christian groups to worship and obey God as they choose. An insistence to use the so called gays desire for equal rights in order to force Christians to accept what the Bible calls an abomination not only as normal but as a priority to be lifted up and praised above the desires and commandments of the Lord.
     Unfortunately such plans for organizations like GLAAD and the HRC will not work. Of course some groups and individuals will likely leave behind the desires of the Lord, instead accepting the carnal and immoral motivations from people who insist on marching against the will of God. But true believers who desire to be steadfast and remain faithful to the God Almighty will persistently refuse to accept what God calls immoral as moral.
       Unfortunately for the Boy Scouts their cowardly decision may have signed the beginning of the end for this very productive group who have for many years helped to raise many powerfully well equipped leaders. The BSA have installed common sense, hard work, and good moral values to young boys and their families and this is the reason why the pro gay rights groups are attacking them. Evil hates good. The darkness hates the light. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed (John 3:19-20). The love for darkness has stubbornly fueled gay rights groups search for the destruction of innocent Christian groups like Boy Scouts America under the guise of "gay rights". That is why compromises will never be good enough. Because of their hatred for Christianity and for the people who actively attempt to walk in the Light, gay rights groups just can't allow themselves to leave committed Christian groups alone to run their organizations as a fellowship and sacrifice to the Lord their God.
       But as expected some true Christians who are faithful to their Lord their God have taken a stand. Even though many were willing to stand behind and support BSA as well as their chief Wayne Brock, they were sadly not given the opportunity. Because of BSA's lack of faith and willingness to stand strong to the end, the world may have witnessed the beginning of the end of this wonderful group. Already the divisions have long begun, Southern Baptist churches are likely to withdraw from BSA and instead affiliate with the Royal Ambassadors a similar group. The Assemblies of God stated they can no longer combine themselves with an organization that will willingly go against the commandments of God. This large church organization will offer themselves as an alternative to others who desire their children to be associated with a group who believes in the Word of God and actively demonstrating good morals. More separations, including those of individual families who believe the Lord is against homosexuality, will follow.
       Of course GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, as well as their comrades could care less for the future and well being of the BSA, as long as homosexuality is lifted up. But they will likely face an even larger challenge to their cause as more Christians and even non-Christians who tire from the everyday showcasing and attention seeking of the many pro gay rights groups. And the ones who will stand to the end will make their case. More Christian based groups will likely form. People who previously never thought of forming a boy scouts type group will receive inner motivations and outside requests to create one. Churches will begin group mentoring associated with children outdoor activities ministries. The Word of God will continue to be taught and young children as well as the adults will be taught that the gay lifestyle is simply a sin and an act of disobedience to God.
       For now lets not completely give up on the Boy Scouts of America. After all people,churches, and organizations do make mistakes. God allows for repentance. If Boy Scouts of America admits they made a mistake, apologizes to their Christian members, and reclaim their stand against allowing openly gay members within their organization, people will eventually come back and support them. There are people out there who are willing to support them. BSA just have to believe. They have to place their faith in the Lord and be willing to work through the eventual harassment they will receive from pro gay rights groups, the media, and pro gay politicians. But God never mentioned the Christian life as being easy. People before us and many in other parts of the world have and are currently being beaten and, or sitting in prison for their faith in God. Christians have to be willing to undergo some suffering for their faith if not the consequences for them will grow more harsh.

     12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him (James 1:12).

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Our Thoughts and Prayers

       Our country, the United States of America, has been through a lot of emotional ups and downs in terms of terrorist attacks, Olympic championships, tornado storms, and highly charged presidential elections. One common phrase has been sung repeatedly over and over again in response to just about every single occurring tragedy. These phrases chorused by local leaders, surviving victims, the victims' relatives, and the President of the United States amongst others have unknowingly been etched into the minds of millions of American observers. After hearing this meaningful expression for what at times seems the hundredth one cannot help but think "what do these collective words really mean to the one speaking".  Recently during the aftermath of the disastrous Oklahoma tornado that killed dozens, including children, first lady Michelle Obama said : "our thoughts and prayers are with all the people in Oklahoma." When Michelle Obama mentions thoughts and prayers faithful Bible believing individuals tend to wonder: "thoughts of what" and "prayers to whom". Some will respond "well of course they are thinking of the tragedy and sad state of the victims". Myself having met together and prayed with fellow Christians for years have no memory of anyone ever beginning a prayer with "our thoughts and prayers". It's extremely doubtful that Mormons, Muslims, Taoists, or Wiccans begin their daily prayers with a rehearsed "our thoughts and prayers". Individuals who may not refer to themselves as Christian or as serious believers in prayers, perhaps will respond with "so what". If these same beings attended highly spiritual prayer meetings or witnessed intense prayers expressed by individual(s), or if themselves had a moment or moments where they felt emotionally driven to cry out, with all their might to the Lord, they would perhaps have a change of thought.
        In a situation where his people are dying, bleeding from a disastrous weather event or some kind of terrorist attack, a leader should respond with more than just "our thoughts and prayers". A God fearing leader would be calling on all individuals, people, companies, corporations, and churches of his nation to come together and pray. Many US citizens, especially the true Christians desire real prayers.  The generic sounding "our thoughts and prayers" will then strengthen into a powerful "in the wonderful name of Jesus!" Now does not that sound mightier? Does not that sound like a cry out to God, that will strike definite pleasures to His ears. But of course both the people as well as the government of United States of America is making efforts to stray away from a nation united under one god into a split nation with various gods, idols, spirits, etc. whom have stolen the hearts and souls of fellow countrymen. It's not just Obama, the phrase is repeated by town mayors, state governors, disaster victims, friends of disaster victims, witnesses of disaster victims, news commentators, celebrities, and so on. The phrase has been repeated so often, people have been practically trained into uttering such comments and have no idea who they are praying to or with whom.
       Our thoughts and prayers can mean Allah to one person, Vishnu to another, nature to an environmentalist, or perhaps the belief in a collective power and spirit of humans. But how does God view a nation requesting help in the name of a nameless collection of "thoughts and prayers"? Individuals' thoughts and prayers can range from a Roman god to a nameless question mark requested by a man who is simply aligning his thoughts and prayers with another person(s) but again has no clue in terms of who he is specifically requesting for a miracle or who he is actually praying to.
       God is a jealous. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments .(Exodus 20:4-6) God is a jealous god, meaning that it is impossible for Him to allow himself to stand in the midst of one asking for His favor while simultaneously requesting the help of Buddha and/or Mohammed. Romans 10:13 in the Bible says that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. The Bible specifically states "the name o the Lord". There is no mentioning of Buddha or Pope Benedict XVI meaning it is impossible for a true Christian to ask from God with the mentioning of an "our thoughts and prayers", especially while omitting the Name of Jesus. Jesus is the reason for prayers, It is Jesus who intercedes for us during out times of needs not Vishnu. Imagine Moses and his fellow Israelites while fleeing from Pharaoh yelling out "our thoughts and prayers", or Jesus looking up in the air and screaming "our thoughts and prayers" while hanging on the cross. The story of God freeing the children of Israel from their terrible Pharaoh foe or of Jesus defeating the Cross would not sound the same. This is why one who dutifully follows the Cross must keep watch and alert of the simple utterances defining a rebellion against the sovereignty of our Lord by our national or world leaders. In a world where many are so much ashamed of even mentioning the Name of the Lord, one must refrain from allowing him or herself of following or accepting such bad practices. Let us say it altogether: "In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ". Now that was not too difficult was it? Well, hopefully not.

Friday, May 17, 2013

IRS Abuse of Power

       I have come across many personal stories of people's businesses, non-profit organizations being specifically targeted by the IRS for simply taking stand. I am sure some of you reading this posting have heard some of the general facts via the news but the situation goes much deeper than what is currently being mentioned in the media. Professor Anne Hendershott a sociologist whose writings criticized pro-abortion President Obama and his Obamacare's mandates on catholic groups was demanded by the IRS to travel to New Haven, Connecticut without her husband. There she was grilled about each of the checks she deposited and what kind of groups gave her the money. From there the names of these groups and their organizations' tax returns were provided to gay rights groups who used this information to harass and intimidate organizations like the FRC and the prolife group, Coalition for Life of Iowa. The IRS demanded in writing that this Iowa pro-life group would promise not to picket Planned Parenthood. The group was told that they were not allowed to ticket and protest.
        According to Fox News the IRS told Christian Voices For Life of Fort Bend County, Texas,a pro-life organization that they had to support abortion. This Texas pro-life group provided education on abortion. The IRS implied during questioning regarding the group application for tax exempt status that they should have to present the abortion rights side of the issue. In 2009, The Coalition for Life were interrogated by the IRS, via loads of paperwork about their prayer activity, specifically prayers made outside of Planned Parenthood. The IRS requested that the group not protest outside or near Planned Parenthood or similar groups. The IRS insisted that the group promise to refrain from protesting Planned Parenthood before they receive their tax exempt status.
     The IRS used its governmental powers to suppress or delay tax exemption status for legitimated candidates.The IRS obtained confidential tax returns and leaked the information to politcial enemies of right leaning groups. The IRS illegally retrieved the names of the major donors of these organizations and leaked the private information to the public. Federal law protects the identity of major contributors to nonprofit organizations. The IRS job relating to nonprofit organizations is to determine whether these groups fit the section 501(c)(3) test for charitable, religious, or educational qualifications not to question the groups' prayer activites, their side on controversial political issues, or tell them where they can protest. The IRS stepped over its boundaries in a huge way playing the role of a meddling prosecutor rather than interpreting and enforcing the internal revenue code. Basically, the interrogation and, or harassment of groups like Coalition for Life of Iowa and Christian Voices For Life of Fort Bend County, Texas is illegal. If determined members of Congress have their way people will be going to jail. The end result will not just be a simple firing of a few scapegoats a la Benghazi. Congress's intent on further questioning the IRS goes beyond Tea Party or Republian party members, certain Democratic members of Congress like Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland are also upset and ready to hold the IRS accountable over the situation.
     The media has made a little bit of progress since Benghazi. At least for the time being they did not ignore the overwhelming circumstances or belittle the obvious facts. One will still constantly hear opinions saying that the right side is "whining" or the President has more important things to talk about. The fact is that organizations like the FRC (Family Research Council), Christian Voices For Life of Fort Benton County, Texas, Coalition For Life of Iowa, National Organization for Marriage (NOM), the Ohio Liberty Council, and at least 10 other groups will sue the IRS for leaking their confidential information to various organizations like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), The Huffington Post, and various pro gay rights groups. President Obama, since he is the head of the US Adminstration and has yet to be cleared of involvement may sooner or later find himself in the middle of an intense investigation. In other words this IRS messup has the potential to grow into a government scandal the level of Watergate or Monica Lewinsky. This is is much bigger than Benghazi.
       The IRS bungle may force America to answer some tough questions in terms of where it stands. Christian organizations will be put on stand stating publically their right to openly not support gay marriage. People will likely openly condemn Christians and churches. Politicians may be forced to publically choose whose side they are on, the atheists or God. Has it come to that point? We'll see.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Six Months After Sandy

      Six months later, the iconic image of the terribly fierce storm, Hurricane Sandy, is finally being brought down. The Jersey Shore roller coaster that was beaten up during the storm at last is being demolished. Hurricane Sandy gave a whopping to America's upper east coast. New Jersey, New York, including all of the Big Apple's five boroughs, Connecticut were heavily damaged by a once in a hundred years storm that ran through the country northeast region with fury. Many homes were completely flooded, businesses were forced to be start over from scratch, people were stranded from their homes for months, many residents still have yet to return. Some moved on, finding new homes elsewhere. Kids were out of school for weeks, some forced to attend new schools. Individuals, families, and businesses in the thousands are still waiting for FEMA. Soon after the storm hit, people were defiantly claiming in front of the cameras; "We will rebuild." Well, they are still rebuilding. Some parts of the area affected by Sandy, they stopped rebuilding. Areas where homes and businesses should never have been built in the first place, because of potential flooding by nearby creeks and rivers have wisely been abandoned after the eventual suddenly happened. Of course some are still building, rebuilding homes by the Jersey shore, stretching houses already on stilts to even greater lengths in hopes of defending themselves against potential new storms. Houses that previously were not on stilts are now being raised on stilts. Raising a house on stilts can be extremely costly. Some costs average $12000 depending upon the area and foundation of the home. Some people have paid $70,000, even $130,000 to raise a house on stilts. A person living in Atlanta can buy a decent sized family home for some of these prices. Such relentlessness to rebuild illustrates both the amount of money people living in these areas have to spend and the obsessive love some have for living at the beach.
       A few days ago constructive crews replaced the boom of the colossal crane more than six months after it was left warped and twisted, dangling next to a massive sky scraper located in the hurricane Sandy drenched area of  Manhattan. The crane's top was previously left hanging over the top of the streets of Manhattan. Such is a sight that can only come close to comparisons in New York to the aftermaths of the twin towers collapsing during 911.
       Now in 2013 as remnants of the damage is still very visible in both New York and New Jersey, our country is still pretty much in a daze over what to do. Much of America has forgotten about the storms, going about each individuals business of making money, taking care of each one's self and family, having a life but if one was to surf the web or better yet watch, take a visit to the Big Apple and Jersey Shore, he or she would be reminded of the terrible wreck Hurricane Sandy brought into this country. This hurricane was no joke. Is this writing doomsday report, news of gloom, no but a reminder that yes in America, people are struggling. While we are going about our everyday business, having a life, let's not forget our neighbors to the north or to the east of us, some at least are not faring too well. After Hurricane Sandy the number of homeless number in the thousands. 72 deaths were inflicted directly by the storm, 87 deaths were caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, accidents during clean up efforts, and hypothermia due to power outages. Show some love and grace to our American neighbors by donating, time, love, money, and encouragement. God Bless.

Monday, May 13, 2013

It's Our Choice

       In areas within northeast Nigeria and nearby lands belonging to the countries: Chad, Niger, and Cameroon lies a threat, a nemesis desiring to create great havoc amongst many various ethnic people. Boko Haram is at it again, again, and again. This violent Islamic group is smuggling big weapons, staging cross-border raids, are killing and kidnapping innocent civilians all in efforts to draw Nigeria and her neighbors into a cross border fight. All this violence, fighting, and mischief, all created in the name of Islam. Sadly, many people, even West Africans, Nigerians are hearing of these events then changing the stations on their televisions or conversing about the politics happening in their workplace. Hardly anybody seems to be concerned about what is going on with the increased violence in Nigeria. Maybe people are not concerned with the affairs of the northeast Nigeria region. Maybe countries like Chad, Niger, and Cameroon are not considered important. But all it takes is a spark to cause a raging fire. Cities like Onitsha, Enugu, and Nnewi may not be that far away. They may not be as far away as many of us may assume. All it takes is for a few madmen to come up with a crazy idea and put their evil thoughts and plans to work (a la Boston  Marathon Massacre, 911). Even if not the Igbos, even if not the Christians living within Anambra State, everybody living in northeast Nigeria is not Muslim. All Muslims are not on a mission to maim every person who chooses not to bow down to Allah.
       People, individuals, tribes, cities, and nations who have no desire to bow down to Allah or heed to shariah laws should not be harassed. They should be left alone, for everybody is not a Muslim and God never mentioned anything about giving His authority to Muslim people. Nigeria should heed the lessons from the Biafran War in the late sixties and the bombings and killings occurring continuously in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, and other world territories heavily influenced by violent Islamic groups. Niger, Mali, Cameroon, Lebanon, Israel, Iran, etc., they are all feeling the heat. Even America and western Europe, all are a madman or two away from a deadly disaster. But Nigeria is beginning to be heard regularly in the news regarding bombings and threats. Nigeria is a great country with lots of potential. Nigerians are intelligent and capable of much accomplishments. The people of Nigeria do not need to be restricted by a cruel religion that denies people the freedom of choice.
     As such, it is extremely important that Nigerians, all Nigerians, Igbos, Yorubas, Hausas, fight against this evil that is reeking within the country. Nigerians who happen to be living elsewhere in the world need to pay attention to the events taking place in their country. No our country is not perfect. Yes it has been mired within its history with much greed, cruelty, and even plain stupidity but it is our country nonetheless. Less we end up with a war zone to go home to and our history thrown from out our grasp we as Nigerians must take ownership of our lands and say no to Boko Haram, no to dictatorship, no to Muslim supermacy, and yes to freedom.
     This note is not a message of panic but a warning. A request to not remain too much in love within our current state in America, Britain, France, Italy, Nnewi or wherever we currently reside. Let us not forget our country, Nigeria. Don't forget Anambra state. Don't forget Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan. These are cities with people from all kinds of ethnic backgrounds, languages, and religions. I am a Christian but I will never force anyone to worship God. That is a choice he or she will have to deal with. Nobody should be forced to bow down to Allah. No religious group should have the right to hold non believers under bondage.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Talking Points

       We all, or some of us, know at least the basic details on the Benghazi scandal. The attack on the US consulate, in Libya, killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American officials. Mainly Republican congressmen complained that Ambassador Stevens was not adequately protected while working within a volatile Muslim country. Inside the North African country Libya reside many individuals and terror groups who are hostile towards Americans. Some of these groups wield much power and influence within the Middle Eastern region of the world. The Obama Administration has been blamed for pressing lightly around the terrible murders of Americans in Benghazi in order to avoid any bad press. President Obama and his comrades have been accused of sacrificing the lives of highly respectful American individuals in order to protect the reputations of many important Democrat political figures as well as to ensure his renewal as President of the United States during the most recent presidential election. Of course, as we all know, Obama won the presidential election, but his victory may have been more difficult if he and his fellow Democrat party members were held accountable for the blunder that occurred in Benghazi.
     The media, of course, a la ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and pals, them being powerful Liberal news stations  assisted Obama in avoiding any potential harm coming from the Benghazi debacle by simply mentioning the murders as little as possible during the elections or by making light of the matter when being forced, through lack of choice, to report the truth to the public. As we all know, when the Benghazi attacks were first mentioned in the media, the public was told that the killings occurred as a result of a protest melee taking place sporadically as a result of an anti-Muslim video. When one sees the actual video the individual will likely laugh at the ridiculousness of the film while wondering out loudly why anyone will be foolish enough to build any emotion of fury over a film that might as well been produced by a joking teenager, or a drunkard, or both. After America learned about the big goof, no one in the media stepped up to admit the error. News of the attack quickly subsided, the media instead focused on the election, crediting Obama with wonderfully taking care of the effects of Hurricane Sandy and when the attack in Benghazi was mentioned, still attaching the buffoonish video with Chris Stevens' murder. It was as if the four Americans were not important anymore. The priority was to make sure that Obama got elected. Now that the election is long over and the Democratic power over the United States executive office has been secured, the media is ready to talk about the Benghazi debacle and even, Wow, attempt to criticize Obama for his handling of the crisis.
       Susan Rice was the appointed sacrificial lamb for the Obama Administration as a result of the Benghazi goof up. But now that Republican leaders like South Carolina Rep Trey Gowdy, US Senator Ron Johnson, US Senator Lindsey Graham (SC), and US Senator John Mccain (Az) are persistently bringing the attacks back to the political discussion tables, more heads will likely roll.  Hilary Clinton is the next former member of the Obama Administration to face an onslaught of questions from skeptical members of Congress and is currently fighting for her political reputation and any chance of winning her likely run for the 2016 presidential elections. ABC News is finally admitting Obama's Administration's mess up in labeling the four Americans' murder in Libya as a spontaneous crowd reaction about some silly film instead of as a terrorist attack. ABC likely already knew the real facts, the true story behind Benghazi but, like their buddies CBS, NBC, CNN, etc were reluctant to report the facts because they wanted a Democrat to win the presidential election. The media should be held accountable maybe even more so than Clinton or Obama for the murder of Christopher Stevens and the three other Americans. The media should be held accountable for misleading the American public.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Son of Man

       Reading vigorously through the Word of God, desiring to further know Him. Wanting to show love for Him, one often runs through a quizzical title for the King of Kings. The Son of Man! Huh? But isn't He God, one who is above flesh? The one who left the warmth and security of the gates of heaven in order to live a life in this mundane world and be treated brutally by the very same people He loved and longed to help?
       The Son of Man the Bible proudly calls Him. Jesus, the Son of Man. But He is God's only son, the chosen one. The one who sacrificed His life and body for the sins of mankind. At least call Him the Son of God, why the Son of Man? Now for human folks this logic makes good sense. Barak Obama after all is the President of the United States. No one calls him the son of America. Vladmir Putin is not called the son of Russia. Could you imagine calling former Olympic gold medal winning, NCAA tournament champion, and six time NBA title holder Michael Jordan anything less than a winner, well at least in basketball?
       Such examples and comparisons illustrates the great difference between the way man's thinking operates and the much more powerful yet at the same time submissive level of God. Only a very few people in this world will be able to embrace a title that seemingly defines something that is much less than whom they believe they are. Only a very few kings and CEO's of this world are capable of forever holding a title consisting of words sounding beneath them. Much less people are determine to withstand punishment for crimes they did not commit. No previous, current, or future being is capable of living an entire life free from committing any sins. But Jesus Christ, God in the flesh came down from heaven and not only took the more humble position of a man, a baby born within a stable, He also endured a life faced with much criticism, false accusations, beatings, imprisonments, and yes his death but also resurrection on the Cross in order to give hope to us all. Yes He is the Son of Man, but He is also the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God the Son, Lord in the Flesh, a lover of all mankind as well as the One who will have the Last Word on the day of Judgement. Do you know him?

Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Matthew 26:64


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Not Again....

       After hearing a few days ago that a member of the rap duo Kris Kros passed away I felt some sadness. Not a deep, emotional type of sadness but a regret that someone whose hit song, "Jump" deeply influenced me and those of my peers when it first came out during the year 1992. Not until later in the day when I heard his death was caused by a suspected drug overdose did my emotions begin flowing. "Oh no!!", I screamed out loud. "Not him, not him." Feeling let down my mind raced back to memories of 1992, when hip hop music was a big part of my everyday life. The setting located in Yspilanti, Michigan, the song was played constantly on campus. Everybody loved the hit. I can still see one of my friends strutting, rhythmically with the beat of the song with his arms waving and head bopping up and down, a playful prance I still cannot imitate. The song brings back memories of people I most likely will never see again.
     Hip Hop at that time seemed harmless, just a bunch of young people, kids singing and dancing about fun times and the opposite sex. Compared to heavy metal and rock & roll whose band members often openly flashed signs of the devil, while promoting debauchery, hip hop seemed very innocent. Combined with certain groups like NWA and Public Enemy who often spoke up for black rights hip hop appeared entertaining and harmless. Fast forwarding through several years after first hearing amid chaos from a fellow neighbor in my college dormitory, who was racing up and down the floor announcing to everybody that Eazy E had died from "full blown AIDS', to the gangsta shootings of The Notorious BIG and Tupac, to the constant hearing of Public Enemy's Flavor Flav's run ins with the law involving his drug issues (that was a big let down) it became obvious that hip hop was far from innocent. But Kris Kros, those two little young boys who made wearing one's pants backwards popular seemed like an entirely different group of individuals. They were soooo cute. You just wanted to grab one of them give him a hug and pinch his cheeks, kind of like the Boyz, if anyone out there remembers.
     But now a bit older I have unfortunately become used to hearing about bizarre, premature deaths of stars, both singers, ball players, rappers, actors, actresses alike. These are people who you grew up with and made you believe that you really knew them. They at times made you believe that they were magical, at times unstoppable. Then after hearing about another tragedy you are reminded that not only are these stars human beings like you and me, they are also living in a setting that seems to be ten times the amount of stress that an everyday human being should be able to handle. But, let me mention his name, Christopher Kelly tugs at the heart because compared to many of the now deceased famous names he was so young, talented, and along with his partner Chris "Daddy Mac" Smith appeared to be two gentlemanly kids just having a blast.
     I remember more then ten years ago my brother approaching me stating that he saw the lighter skinned member Chris Smith at the mall. My brother at first expressed excitement to see him, but the Kris Kros member sensing that someone noticed who he was (this was years after the 1991 hit, "Jump") shied his face away. My brother told me that he perceived the guy realized he was recognized but did not want to be bothered. Not wanting to trouble the guy my brother left him alone. After hearing  from my younger sibling his experience with this famous guy, I thought it was a little strange that the Kris Kros member cringed at receiving attention. But, I also understood that the kid likely became weary of all the attention he received from being a star.
     Stardom is a difficult cross for someone to carry especially a young person, especially someone who is representing a musical style that is supposed to symbolize cool, macho, toughness at all times. Maybe that pressure of having to always be cool was too big a burden. Maybe drugs is a tool stars use to relax the heavy load of that burden. People, fellow readers, please look out for these young stars. I am tired of reading about the deaths of these young people. Obviously all those scenes and pictures we grew up watching of guys and gals dancing, smiling, frolicking, while flashing their money is not real. It's a mirage, a picture of seeming happiness. On the videos and the concert stage they seem happy, but are they really? Let's look out for these folks. If and when we ever see them in person let's resist the urge to behave like a crazy person and treat them like rock stars. Be human to them, greet them with a smile. Ask them with honest emotion how they are doing. They are human beings and they need to feel loved just like you and me.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


     Recently a not so famous professional basketball player came out on national media and announced that he is gay. Sure everyone reading this article who is at least partly  interested ins sports has heard the news at least a dozen times already. I remember Jason Collins along with his twin brother Jarron since both played college basketball for Stanford back in the late 90s to early 2000s. Both brothers are okay ball players but not close to what one would call basketball stars. The average sports fan would not know who they are if not for this media hype about one of them announcing he is gay. Some folks are reluctant to believe everything coming out of the mouths of camera trained tongues speaking for the likes of  ABC, ESPN, and pals. These stations and their liberal buddies are desperately ready to cheer anything that sounds pro-gay. Any bit of news smelling of pro-gay and positive will be announced and celebrated like one hypes the new year. If people heard the real stories behind many gay relationships, if the media would report them (see David Tutera), they would learn that many of them do not have happy endings and the upper 90 percent of those relationships ending in calamity is not the fault of the so famous "bigots" but troubles within the relationships and individuals. Many of these pairings include behavioral patters which are often extremely catastrophic and at the same time strange. Truth is there is a whole lot more to the now famous homosexual relationships than much of mainstream news and media reports to their viewers, but that is another posting. Such details run deep and can be hard to take for the gullible pop culture fan who may be clueless regarding what really goes on behind the lens.
     A much more intellectual approach is to give Jason two years, or maybe even less and see whether or not he is truly proud of his announcing he's "coming out'. Rosie O'Donnell and Karen Carpenter married each other on February 26, 2004, got separated in 2007. Anne Heche and Ellen Degeneres famously announced their marriage to the world til later break up after 3 and a half years. What the media never mentions is that Anne Heche left the homosexual lifestyle altogether and began having romantic relationships with men. Gay couples began seeking divorce by the seventh month after gay marriage was legalized in Massachusetts back in May 17 of 2004. The first gay divorce, occurring in Suffolk county, located in Massachusetts, occurred 5 days after the marriage was legalized. One of Canada's first gay couples to be married actually divorced in 5 days. These two lived with each other 5 years before hitching up.
       Many individuals, including ESPN writer Chris Broussard, who publicly stood up for his Christian beliefs when stating Jason Collins cannot be gay and be a Christian, have been openly criticized and requested by many to be fired for simply stating their views. Chris Broussard has the constitutional right to state that he disagrees with homosexuality. It is not against the Constitution for one to openly state his or her disapproval for same sex relationships. Chris responded more like a hero because he behaved in a way that many of the people open to the public, such as celebrities, sports figures, and journalists do not have the courage to do. He did not side with the mainstream media. Christ Broussard spoke his mind referencing the fact that he is a Christian and cannot go along with what the Bible says is wrong. Kudos for Chris. As for Jason Collins, don't know his entire story but am sure that there is much more to his announcement than has been mentioned by media. And who knows, 2 years or less from now he may end up tired after years of experiencing for himself that the gay hype is not all the media and friends promised, or like many other folks who have "come out", he may end up being involved, or even married to a loving member of the opposite sex.