I have come across many personal stories of people's businesses, non-profit organizations being specifically targeted by the IRS for simply taking stand. I am sure some of you reading this posting have heard some of the general facts via the news but the situation goes much deeper than what is currently being mentioned in the media. Professor Anne Hendershott a sociologist whose writings criticized pro-abortion President Obama and his Obamacare's mandates on catholic groups was demanded by the IRS to travel to New Haven, Connecticut without her husband. There she was grilled about each of the checks she deposited and what kind of groups gave her the money. From there the names of these groups and their organizations' tax returns were provided to gay rights groups who used this information to harass and intimidate organizations like the FRC and the prolife group, Coalition for Life of Iowa. The IRS demanded in writing that this Iowa pro-life group would promise not to picket Planned Parenthood. The group was told that they were not allowed to ticket and protest.
According to Fox News the IRS told Christian Voices For Life of Fort Bend County, Texas,a pro-life organization that they had to support abortion. This Texas pro-life group provided education on abortion. The IRS implied during questioning regarding the group application for tax exempt status that they should have to present the abortion rights side of the issue. In 2009, The Coalition for Life were interrogated by the IRS, via loads of paperwork about their prayer activity, specifically prayers made outside of Planned Parenthood. The IRS requested that the group not protest outside or near Planned Parenthood or similar groups. The IRS insisted that the group promise to refrain from protesting Planned Parenthood before they receive their tax exempt status.
The IRS used its governmental powers to suppress or delay tax exemption status for legitimated candidates.The IRS obtained confidential tax returns and leaked the information to politcial enemies of right leaning groups. The IRS illegally retrieved the names of the major donors of these organizations and leaked the private information to the public. Federal law protects the identity of major contributors to nonprofit organizations. The IRS job relating to nonprofit organizations is to determine whether these groups fit the section 501(c)(3) test for charitable, religious, or educational qualifications not to question the groups' prayer activites, their side on controversial political issues, or tell them where they can protest. The IRS stepped over its boundaries in a huge way playing the role of a meddling prosecutor rather than interpreting and enforcing the internal revenue code. Basically, the interrogation and, or harassment of groups like Coalition for Life of Iowa and Christian Voices For Life of Fort Bend County, Texas is illegal. If determined members of Congress have their way people will be going to jail. The end result will not just be a simple firing of a few scapegoats a la Benghazi. Congress's intent on further questioning the IRS goes beyond Tea Party or Republian party members, certain Democratic members of Congress like Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland are also upset and ready to hold the IRS accountable over the situation.
The media has made a little bit of progress since Benghazi. At least for the time being they did not ignore the overwhelming circumstances or belittle the obvious facts. One will still constantly hear opinions saying that the right side is "whining" or the President has more important things to talk about. The fact is that organizations like the FRC (Family Research Council), Christian Voices For Life of Fort Benton County, Texas, Coalition For Life of Iowa, National Organization for Marriage (NOM), the Ohio Liberty Council, and at least 10 other groups will sue the IRS for leaking their confidential information to various organizations like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), The Huffington Post, and various pro gay rights groups. President Obama, since he is the head of the US Adminstration and has yet to be cleared of involvement may sooner or later find himself in the middle of an intense investigation. In other words this IRS messup has the potential to grow into a government scandal the level of Watergate or Monica Lewinsky. This is is much bigger than Benghazi.
The IRS bungle may force America to answer some tough questions in terms of where it stands. Christian organizations will be put on stand stating publically their right to openly not support gay marriage. People will likely openly condemn Christians and churches. Politicians may be forced to publically choose whose side they are on, the atheists or God. Has it come to that point? We'll see.
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